Feb 11, 2024

Drama Club – Halloween 365 (Flashback Sunday)

Welcome to another Flashback Sunday! Let’s take a look at one of Edsel’s projects outside of Dope: Drama Club – Halloween 365 (Never Coming Down). But first, I’d like to apologise for the lack of updates this week. I’ve been a bit busy/sidetracked, but I’ve been working on the site in the background nearly every day! I’ve also been working on posting more regularly on EDF’s Tiktok, as I know you guys like those posts.

One of the genuine pleasures of running a fansite dedicated to Edsel is that I get to cover all aspects of his career. While we will continue the excitement and hype about Dope on the Machine Killer tour, I also want to celebrate his work and accomplishments in other mediums!

Anyway, let’s jump right into it. It’s Drama Club – Halloween 365 (Never Coming Down).

drama club - halloween 365


Fair warning – arachnophobes, look away in the first few moments of this video! You aren’t gonna like the massive issue in the beginning. Hehe. All jokes aside, the video for Halloween 365 was released in 2014. Nine years have passed, and it still remains the most popular video in Drama Club’s catalogue. This is for good reason: not only is the song a straight up jam, its video is tons of fun too!

As I’ve mentioned before, the song Believe off Dope’s latest release Blood Money Part Zer0 was originally meant to be a track for Drama Club. Looking at the Halloween 365 video now, you might get a sense of deja vu. There’s a reason for that – there are several callbacks to the Halloween 365 video in the Believe video. I’ve featured two below. Personally, I love this! I found these callbacks a cool way to represent both bands and how they can not only co-exist, but mesh beautifully!

Featured on 2015’s Neon Apocalypse, Halloween 365 closes out an album that shows another side of an enigmatic artist. A fun romp that is not only danceable, but danceable on repeat! If you’ve heard Dope’s Blood Money Part Zer0, you’ve heard Drama Club. But I also urge you to check out their music outside of their collaborations with Dope! Listen to Drama Club on Bandcamp, Spotify, Apple Music, and Youtube Music.

You know it’s coming. I’ve got to. I’m gonna nag you about following Drama Club on their socials. It’s just what I do, after all. Sub to their Youtube, follow them on Facebook, X, and on Instagram.

Looking for more Flashback Sunday articles? Click here.

Feb 5, 2024

Group Therapy by Dope (Flashback Sunday)

Group Therapy by Dope was released on October 21st, 2003. For this week’s Flashback Sunday, I’ll be speaking a bit about this awesome album. And I’ve come with presents. Don’t I always? It’s a gallery update, and this one’s very on theme. It’s screencaps from “Bring it On”, one of the many videos that was released with the enhanced version of the record. But more on that in a bit.

Now let’s Bring it On… It’s Group Therapy by Dope!

group therapy by dope


Group Therapy was a bit ahead of its time in many respects. One of those ways is something you might not have expected! We hear about artists releasing visual albums from time to time, but did you know Dope was doing this before it was popular?

With the release of Group Therapy, there was a music video that accompanied every song in the enhanced version of the album. I genuinely can’t think of many (if any!) artists that were doing this so early in the industry. Keep in mind, this was 2003. There’s wasn’t much available to promote visual albums back then. There wasn’t any such thing as Youtube or other streaming services – Youtube wasn’t founded until 2005! (By the way, you’ve subbed to Dope’s Youtube channel, right? I hope so…) Netflix didn’t start video on demand till 2007. Trying something new relied largely on word of mouth or hopefully, promotion from your label.

Not Afraid To Be Different

Compared to 2001’s Life, which had a more straight up rock vibe, Group Therapy took things in a new direction. The album has been called a stark departure from Dope’s general tonal aggression, with songs such as “Easier”, “Sing” and “Another Day Goes By” punctuating a more alternative sound. Some say it’s an exception to the rule. I tend to disagree. I always thought the point of Dope is that there’s no hard and fast rules about what a Dope song is. Truth is, Edsel has never been afraid to experiment with his sound! In a landscape where artists have been hesitant about changing their sound too much, he’s always looking to push the envelope and shake things up. Group Therapy is just one such outing. I love when Edsel tries new things, as do so many of his fans!

I hope that this look back at Group Therapy inspires you to give this album another listen! It’s one of my favourite albums, and I hope it’s one of yours as well!

Looking for more Flashback Sunday articles? Click here!

Jan 31, 2024

Dope Music Video Galleries Update!

Dope music video galleries have been updated on EDF Photo! As excitement mounts for the second leg of the Machine Killer Tour, I’ve got a whole lot of Edsel to tide you over until the big day. (It resumes tomorrow! Have you got your tickets yet?) Let’s get right into it.

dope addiction music video


27 screencaps from the “Addiction” video have been added to EDF Photo. Released with the album No Regrets, Addiction features Zakk Wylde of Black Label Society/Ozzy Osbourne fame. It also features the famous Serenity prayer! You know, the one people in recovery recite as a grounding exercise? That being said, if being addicted to Edsel is wrong, I don’t really want to know what right is. (We’re edseldopefan.org, of course we enable our Edsel addiction! And yours too.)


37 screencaps from the “Burn” video have also been added! Featured on the album Group Therapy, there was actually a video for every song on the enhanced portion of this record. That’s pretty impressive in my opinion, particularly for back then. We see visual albums pop up from time to time in recent years, but Dope was doing this way back in 2003. I see Burn as an intensely cathartic song, and it will always occupy real estate in my heart for that. I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way, either.

I’ve been doing a bit of re-arranging in EDF Photo, so please excuse our mess! I hope to get caps of every Dope music video that’s been released in due time. EDF Photo is already the largest Edsel Dope photo gallery on the net – and we’re just getting started.

Jan 26, 2024

Static-X Project Regeneration Vol 2 OUT NOW!

Static-X Project Regeneration Vol 2 has been released! That’s right, the day we’ve been waiting for is FINALLY here! We don’t normally cover Static-X here but I would be remiss if I didn’t at least say something about this release. And as we all know, Edsel has long worked with Static-X as their creative director and has helmed many of their videos!

static-x project regeneration vol 2

I’m not joking, they way I jumped up when I got the notification that the album was available! I’ve listened to every song track by track several times. What’s my verdict?

EDF.org’s Review: Static-X Project Regeneration Vol 2

It’s… amazing.

Like a lot of fans, I listened to the album teaser on repeat. I can safely say the album itself 100% lived up to the teaser. In the past I’ve listened to albums where there’s at least one or two songs that are obviously filler. (Sometimes more) Not only is there absolutely no filler on Project Regeneration Vol 2, every song totally rocks. It’s not often that I say this, and I don’t say it lightly: there is not one bad song on this album. Standouts for me are Black Star, Kamikaze, Take Control, and Disco Otsego. When I got to From Heaven… I might have been ugly crying, Kim Kardashian style. (But since there’s no picture to prove it, might as well have not happened!)

Project Regeneration Vol 2 sees Ulrich Wild return to mix and master, along with Tony, Ken, and Koichi. As a result, we have a cohesive and satisfying record that fits perfectly in the band’s discography. Project Regeneration Vol 2 pays tribute to Wayne’s memory while further keeping Evil Disco alive and well!

Static-X Project Regeneration Vol 2 is available for purchase from Static-X’s official website. You can also stream it on Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Music, and Youtube Music!

Jan 23, 2024

Dope VIP Video

Dope VIP experience packages are still available for the upcoming second leg of the Machine Killer Tour! Dope’s official Facebook page has posted a cool little thirty second video telling you all about what happens during the bus meet and greet. (Though I do have to put a teeny disclaimer here: you get the microphone they mention with a separate meet and greet package. That does not come with the bus meet and greet.)

dope vip img


Long term visitors of the site know I’ve hyped this up ever I was at the meet and greet in Atlanta. However, it occurred to me I’ve not really opened up about my experience. Not just my experience, but what it meant to me. I’ve shared a periphery view, yes. Though… as the admin of an Edsel Dope fansite, you’d think I’d talk more about my own personal experience in depth. I’ve had folks on social media ask for more on that front. Alright. Today I’ll share a bit about what meeting Edsel in particular meant to me.

My Dope VIP Experience

There’s an old saying: never meet your idols. They can never live up to what you make them out to be. Often, that’s true. We tend to forget the people we idolize are just that: people. They do extraordinary things and live lives so different from ours, yes. But at the end of the day… they’re just a person.

In my case, I actually met my idol. And … I walked away from that meeting an even bigger fan of his. Edsel is very warm and generous, he’s very kind and willing to answer questions. I was really nervous upon meeting him (I actually screamed!), but he took the time to make sure I was alright. (I was, once I got over my shock) Very sweet, very humble dude. In my opinion, he was pretty much the person he is in interviews. No nonsense, no front. He’s the real deal.

I mean, realistically, I met a rock icon. How wild is that? And the fact that he IS normal, and he IS real and authentic? That was the best part of all. It meant the world to me to meet him and tell him how much he’s inspired me. How often do you get to tell your idol such a thing?

The Bottom Line

You might think my point of view is biased. And fair enough – I run a fansite on this guy. I’m predisposed to liking him. But I’ve also told you all I would never lie to you. I wouldn’t stand by an opinion I don’t really believe. And for me, the VIP experience was well worth it. Bucket list worthy for sure! Truthfully, I could write a novel on reasons why you should go and it wouldn’t really matter. In the end, it’s up to you. It’s your money and you have a right to think it over to decide if this is really worth it. And if hearing about how awesome I thought this all was helps you make a decision, I’m glad! If you have any other questions, you’re always welcome to contact me.

Jan 20, 2024

Dope Music Videos (The Essentials Series)

Continuing our Essentials series, today we’re looking at Dope music videos. I will be highlighting the five videos I think are the most iconic (in my opinion) out of Dope’s entire catalogue. As always, this post comes with a disclaimer: I am not a “professional” reviewer. I’m just a fan, and these are my opinions! If yours are different, I love that for you. What a boring life we’d have if everyone agreed about everything.

Are you ready? Let’s get right into it.

Number 1: “Lovesong”
Album: Blood Money Part Zer0

dope video lovesong


This probably didn’t come as much of a surprise for those who’ve been repeat visitors to this site. I’ve spoken quite a lot of my love for this video. A collaboration between Edsel and long time creative partner Matt Zane, Lovesong is an interesting spin on the original The Cure classic. I think one of the marks of a great music video is the ability for it to transport you to a time and a place. It’s easy to get drawn into this evocative world. The aesthetics, the general mood of the video, it all works.

Number 2: “Now or Never”
Album: Life

dope video now or never


I have also frequently expressed my love for Now or Never. Prior to the release of Lovesong, it was my favorite Dope video. Although it currently sits at a respectable number 2, it will forever occupy a unique spot in my heart. A bit of a bummer is that this video tends to be overlooked or underrated by fans. Despite the widespread acclaim for Blood Money as the epitome of Dope’s vibe, I firmly believe that Now or Never encapsulates that essence just as well.

Number 3: “Misery”
Album: Blood Money Part Zer0


Hey look, another Edsel and Matt Zane collab! Featuring the Hellzapoppin’ Circus sideshow (read more about them in my Flashback Sunday feature about the video here), Misery is the kind of slick, fun rock n roll we love to hear. And the video really is no different at all. It’s a blast all around, for sure. I don’t often rewatch music videos, but this one? You bet.

Number 4: “Sing”
Album: Group Therapy


You ever watch a video and you just “get” it? It’s a bit hard to explain – it just feels like this video IS this song. I don’t think it would have fit as well if it was anything else. And that it’s so simple is another win in its corner. Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing bells and whistles as much as any girl does. But sometimes, a video get a mark in the W column just as easily without it.

Number 5: “Believe”
Album: Blood Money Part Zer0


Yes, I know. I’ve chosen quite a few videos from the latest album. But eh, what are ya gonna do? I admit, I’m a bit of a sucker for snow/winterscapes (I liked it in Lovesong as well). I also like the callbacks to Drama Club’s video for Halloween 365. It’s a fun tie in for a song that was originally meant to be for Drama Club. As a fan of both groups, I found it a very creative and interesting way for both to be represented AND stay true to each.

That’s my rundown of the top five Dope videos (in my opinion). Did I miss your fave? Don’t worry, I probably love that one too. That being said, I don’t want to keep you here all day, and I certainly could if left to talk about this subject. Until next time, folks!

Want to see more of the Essentials series? Click here!

Jan 14, 2024

Flashback Sunday: Sounds like Drama (Club)

For your Flashback Sunday today, I’m going to switch gears a tiny bit if you don’t mind. It feels like I talk a lot about Dope and Static-X in terms of Edsel or Edsel-adjacent projects. I love those subjects, but the man does A LOT of things I want to highlight. Today, we’re going to talk about one of those projects that isn’t talked about nearly enough. Today’s topic is… Drama Club!

To that end, we’re gonna feature this 2015 interview with Andy Biersack while I talk a bit about Drama Club. (It’s queued to start when they show up. Or rather… jump in, in a quite literal sense!) It’s a really fun interview, I think you’ll enjoy this one. Something about the energy makes me smile. Now, let’s talk about the band!

So, what IS Drama Club?

drama club

Drama Club is another musical project of Edsel Dope. If you’ve listened to Dope’s latest release Blood Money Part Zer0, you’ve heard Drama Club. The band features most notably on Lovesong and Misery, and the track Believe was initially meant to be for Drama Club, not Dope. Edsel Dope is of course in Drama Club, having revealed himself to be behind the persona of “Zer0”. The band was born of Edsel’s desire to do something different and put out another kind energy into the music industry. While Dope is very aggressive and in your face, Drama Club is a complete 180. Drama Club’s music tends to focus on themes of feeling free and being accepted, when there is a theme at all. (Sometimes dance music has no theme but “let’s party!”, and that’s great too!)

I’ve seen some reviewers get pedantic about Drama Club featuring on Blood Money Part Zer0, with the complaint that Edsel is guesting on his own work. I tend to think this is coming from people who don’t know anything about Drama Club or the kind of music they create. “Oh Edsel is part of the project, it must be exactly the same type of music!” I hate to dust off an old chestnut in response, but “one of these things is not like the other”.

The two projects are an apples and oranges comparison: Drama Club is a completely different band that produces completely different music. Drama Club is EDM/electronic, while Dope is of course metal/hard rock. If you’re looking for some of their music to check out, I have a few song recommendations for you! Try Rockit, Maniac and in keeping with the Flashback, They Don’t Need to Understand. That song was originally done by Andy Biersack (as Andy Black), and he’s also in today’s interview feature.

Looking for more of Drama Club? Of course you are. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram. And of course – sub to them on Youtube with notifications turned on.

Want to read more Flashback Sunday posts? Click here!

Jan 10, 2024

Machine Killer Tour THIRD leg announced!

machine killer tour

Just when you think things couldn’t possibly get any better today, Dope’s official Facebook page has announced a THIRD leg of the Machine Killer Tour! You heard right – even more chances to see Dope opening for Sevendust and Static-X! It looks like this leg will take them through Canada, the Midwest and the PNW. This will no doubt make all the fans up there super happy.

This has been quite a day for Edsel news! Along with the debut of Static-X’s Otsego Placebo video that Edsel directed, plus the looming release of Project Regeneration Vol 2, we also get new tour dates? Don’t forget, we still have the 2nd leg of the Machine Killer tour to look forward to! This is shaping up to be a killer year for Edsel. (Excuse the pun)

You can find info on how to purchase tickets for the new dates right here on Dope’s official site. Are you going to any of the shows? If they are playing close to where you live, go! I cannot recommend this tour enough. I had such a good time at the Atlanta stop. Don’t even think about it, your kids and your pets will be fine for a few hours with a babysitter! You deserve to treat yourself.

Jan 10, 2024

Otsego Placebo, directed by Edsel Dope, is LIVE!

Static-X has just dropped the video for “Otsego Placebo”, directed by Edsel Dope, and it is phenomenal. Somehow, Edsel has managed to capture what being at a Static-X show is like. It’s a kind of energy that just electrifies you. This video did not disappoint, that’s for sure. Have you seen it yet?

otsego placebo

In the video, you can see Edsel’s work as creative director for the band. I find a lot of people don’t know what being a creative director is: we hear the term frequently, but no one ever explains what the job entails. In its most basic sense, a creative director is responsible for creating and delivering a stylistic vision for their client. They are also responsible for media outreach and executing a cohesive brand strategy. I of course cannot comment on Edsel’s exact day to day as creative director for Static-X, but the aesthetics for stage shows would definitely be under the umbrella of his job.

I’ve taken a few choice caps that I think perfectly show off the energy and vibe of a Static-X live performance. And please watch the video for Otsego Placebo HERE on Static-X’s Youtube channel! If you have not already, give the video a big thumbs up and subscribe with notifications turned on. You don’t want to miss this and other videos from the band!

Jan 10, 2024

Edsel directed “Otsego Placebo” video to debut!

edsel directed otsego placebo video

BIG news! Static-X is dropping a video for the song Otsego Placebo on 10 January! Edsel is listed as having directed the video, so I’m absolutely covering this release! We don’t have a teaser with this one like we did for Dope’s Lovesong video, unfortunately. However, we do know from past videos Edsel has directed that he 110% knocks it out of the park every single time. Edsel has done an incredible job as Static-X’s creative director. I can’t wait to see this video. I’m super excited!

Click here to be taken to the video. If you’re reading this before it premieres, be sure to hit the notification bell as I’ve demonstrated above to make sure you’re notified when it debuts!