Oct 15, 2024

Dope added to Sick New World!

Dope has announced via their social media that they’ve been added to the lineup at Sick New World. And guys, this looks absolutely incredible. So much so that I am definitely going to go. I mean, look at this. How can you not be excited?

Are you looking to attend as well? Sign up for presale right here!

Oct 15, 2024

Follow Dope on social media

Why? We were treated to a gorgeous picture of Edsel via Dope’s social media a few days back. This picture was taken by the insanely talented @directorparada. If you aren’t already following him, please do.

Are you following Dope on social media? If not, click anywhere in the above picture to be taken right to Dope’s Facebook page where you can like the picture and follow them. You can also follow Dope (and Edsel) elsewhere on social media by clicking right here!

Oct 6, 2024

Dope: “American Apathy” (EDSAE)

dope american apathyWelcome back to my monumental task, where I review every Dope studio album ever. Today’s entry is admittedly, a sentimental one for me. This is the album that ignited my interest in Dope, an interest that still burns strong to this day. That’s right, we’re shining the spotlight on Dope: American Apathy.

American Apathy was released on July 26, 2005 via Artemis Records. Edsel Dope stated in interviews from the time that this was a very tongue and cheek album that wasn’t actually taking itself too seriously. True to form, this went completely over the heads of critics. A contemporary reviewer for Blabbermouth.net illustrates this perfectly, stating that American Apathy is “difficult to take seriously.”

Which brings me to different, but no less relevant point. Reading all these reviews, it often feels like Dope has been judged less on their own creativity and more in comparison bigger acts of the time – be they Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails, Korn, whoever. With my EDSAE series, I aim to change that. I am reviewing Dope’s music on its own merit, and not comparing them to other acts of the time.

What sets American Apathy apart isn’t just its bold sound; it’s the sharp, cutting commentary embedded in its lyrics. That’s where Cristina’s insight takes the stage. So let’s get into it. Let’s bring in the angst for American Apathy.

Cristina’s POV

American Apathy is lyrically dark and political. The title speaks for itself, capturing the feeling of apathy towards government, war, and societal norms. Songs like “No Way Out” and “Revolution” scream of disillusionment and rebellion, taking a hard look at the system and flipping it the bird. There’s an obvious anger toward the political climate of the time, with a lot of that venom directed to then president George W. Bush.

Listening to American Apathy in today’s polarized political climate makes its message feel even more relevant. The apathy and anger Edsel Dope directed at the system in 2005 resonate now with even greater intensity, reflecting the widespread disillusionment and political frustration of 2024.

Edsel’s vocal delivery on this album is a potent mix of sneering sarcasm and unfiltered rage. His ability to shift between scathing verses and more melodic choruses brings a dynamic edge to the album. Despite the album’s rawer, grungier feel, there’s a precision to the musicianship that keeps the songs tight and impactful.

Standout tracks on this album are Survive, No Way Out, and Always. These three tracks run the gamut between seething anger, defiance and loss, showcasing something that’s not often brought to the conversation about Dope: their range. Always, in particular, showcases a more vulnerable side of the band, with its somber tone and introspective lyrics contrasting sharply with the seething rage of Survive. It’s moments like these that remind listeners that Dope isn’t just about aggression—they can pull off a range of emotions without losing their edge.

Cristina’s Verdict

In hindsight, American Apathy stands as one of Dope’s boldest statements. Its blend of unfiltered anger and sarcastic defiance feels just as potent in 2024 as it did nearly two decades ago. Though it’s not often brought up in the conversation of Dope’s catalogue of music, maybe it’s time we did. This is an album well worth a revisit, and is still 100 percent relevant to this day.

Oct 3, 2024

Dope Felons and Revolutionaries 25th Anniversary Release

Edsel Dope has announced a Felons and Revolutionaries 25th Anniversary release!

Dope Felons and Revolutionaries 25th

Image Credit: dopetheband.com

From the announcement: “The 25th Anniversary version of Felons and Revolutionaries – scheduled for release on December 6 – features newly updated and re-imagined artwork. The vinyl will also include all the tracks from the debut as well as the band’s covers from the original CD release. The album will be available in various configurations including a limited edition Orange Vinyl Pressing – autographed by founding members Edsel & Simon Dope, along with the band’s original drummer Preston Nash & bassist Acey Slade.

Edsel is quoted in the same announcement: “This ultra noisy, punk rock album is where it all started for us and I’m so excited to see it finally released in this nasty orange Vinyl format. I am eternally grateful to all the fans & friends that have come along for the ride.”

This release also comes with new merch! If you’re interested, my personal faves are below. As always, these are not affiliate links. To see more, click here.

Felons 25 Poster

Felons Jail Shirt

Hoodie Bundle One
Yes, this one is a bit pricey. But I do want to point out: there are bundles for every price point, and I think they’re all pretty good. This one is for sure the splurge option.

Dope Felons and Revolutionaries 25th Anniversary edition drops on December 6th. Will you be buying this incredible anniversary release?

Sep 16, 2024

edseldopefan.org Social Media Update

There has been a change to my username on edseldopefan.org social media. We are now “heytocristina”. Read all about it right here.

edseldopefan.org social media

The main reason for the change is to clearly distinguish my fansite’s social media presence from Edsel’s. By using my name, it makes it clear that you’re interacting with me (Cristina)-not Edsel or anyone affiliated with him. While I thought this was obvious (please see our disclaimer), the confusion has happened often enough that I felt it needed to be addressed.

This change was long overdue, but Facebook made it clear just how necessary it was. I was auto-flagged and placed in Facebook jail for “impersonation” after posting a reminder that my website is not an official source. Ironically, I was also explaining the name change to avoid this exact issue! My account was quickly reinstated after an appeal, but the incident underscored the importance of updating my social media usernames.

To be clear: My site should never be taken as an official source. The only official sources are dopetheband.com and their social media. I encourage you to go these sites, as your time is better spent there.

I apologize for any inconvenience, but I believe this change is the best step forward. My goal is to support Edsel without causing any confusion or distraction, so I acted quickly to resolve the situation.

Love you lots, Cristina xoxo

Sep 14, 2024

Dope’s Felons and Revolutionaries turns 25!

Happy 25 years to the iconic Felons and Revolutionaries! Dope has teased via their official social media that there’s a big announcement incoming. No news as of this writing, but I’m super excited!

In the meantime, let’s celebrate this incredible album with a video!

Sep 4, 2024

New Content ASAP!

Hey everybody. I know I addressed this on social media, but I also wanted to touch base here. I was inactive for a few due to fighting off a pretty gnarly sinus infection (0/10, don’t recommend). While I wasn’t gone that long, I just wanted to let you know I’m still here! Content will be restarting soon.

I also wanted to extend a genuine thank you to everyone who sent me feedback! I do love hearing from you, and your ideas were very helpful. As I always tell you guys – I made this site about Edsel, but it’s really for you! You’re the reason that I do what I do, and I appreciate you.

Aug 20, 2024

Suggestion Box: Have your say!

Every so often, I like to remind people that I don’t bite and I’m always willing to take suggestions from fans! 

Is there something you want me to cover on edseldopefan.org? Have your say and get in touch with me! You can reach me via my contact form or EDF.org’s social media. We’re edseldopefanorg on Instagram and Tiktok! (Those are our only active socials. We are also edseldopefanorg on Facebook, but that’s just a mirror for my Instagram posts. If you see anyone else reaching out claiming to be me, it’s not.)

And honestly… please do contact me. I love hearing from you, and if you have any ideas, I’m happy to hear them! There are, however, some boundaries I won’t cross.

  • No discussion about Edsel’s personal life: Guys, we aren’t that kind of site. If that’s the kind of content you want, I’d try Tumblr.
  • No bringing up current/past drama: He’s a grown ass man. I don’t need to be out here running interference for him. He can take care of himself.
  • Nothing based off rumours/speculation: Again, we’re really not that type of site.

I also take photo contributions! I don’t tend to use live photography unless the photographer grants me permission. If you have any photos of Edsel you’ve taken from live shows that you’d like to donate, please feel free to reach out! (Note: I will not accept candids. Or in other words, photos he didn’t know you were taking outside of live shows.)

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Aug 17, 2024

Dope Shows Announced: Brazil, ect…

Dope has announced via their Facebook that they are adding new shows. Looks like the dream pairing of Dope and Static-X is continuing for these newly announced shows – you know we love to see it.

dope shows


Brazil: November 7th, 2024
Purchase Tickets: HERE

Machine Shop (Flint, Michigan): September 20th and 21st, 2024
Purchase Tickets: Friday | Saturday

Belgium (Alcatraz Festival): Aug 8-10th, 2025
Purchase Tickets: HERE

As you’ve no doubt seen, that’s in addition to other dates that have already been announced for Mexico and South America. Fantastic news for fans – have you gotten your tickets yet? You can check out any info on when and where Dope is touring right in our sidebar, or as always, please visit their official site at dopetheband.com.

Dope on Socials

Are you following Edsel on social media?

If you aren’t already, why not? Following Edsel on socials is a great way to support his music. You can find out all about how to give Edsel a follow on the platform of your choice right here! Following Edsel on socials is also a great way to find out about upcoming Dope shows, too. It really helps when you like and share posts as well, so spread the word!

Aug 13, 2024

Dope Group Therapy: Review (EDSAE)

Dope Group TherapyHello folks, sorry for the wait! Today’s update will see us continuing our series of Cristina reviewing every Dope studio album ever. And it’s a good one, guys. It’s #2 on our three best Dope albums: it’s the one and only Group Therapy.

But first, let’s get a disclaimer out of the way… I am not a journalist and have never claimed to be one. I’m just a fan sharing my thoughts and experiences with this album.  I have a big mouth and a platform, so here I am!

Group Therapy was released on October 21st, 2003, and marked Dope’s first album after parting ways with Epic/Flip Records, citing Epic’s lack of promotion and support. While the media might suggest that reactions to this album were mixed, it received widespread acclaim among Dope’s fanbase. One reviewer noted, “The band has matured a lot but still has room to grow, and I hope that one day they land a real masterpiece.” Some critics drew parallels between Dope’s sound on this album and that of Linkin Park and Korn, though these comparisons seem a bit of a stretch.

Group Therapy also enjoyed some success in the mainstream: “Today is the Day” was the theme for WWE’s No Mercy event in October of 2003. (Check out announcer Michael Cole shouting out Dope in this ad from the broadcast right here!)

So what’s the verdict? Well, here’s my analysis. Let’s try to do a bit better than critics of the time, hm?

Cristina’s POV: The Review

Group Therapy’s sound is both gritty and polished, with powerful guitar work that complements Edsel Dope’s vocal intensity. The production strikes a balance between the chaotic and the controlled, reflecting the album’s themes of struggle and resilience. The lyrics delve into inner conflict and the search for self-acceptance, resonating with anyone who has faced their demons head-on.

One of the standout tracks on the album is “I Am,” which captures the essence of Dope’s sound by combining heavy guitar riffs with catchy choruses. I’ve often described “I Am” as the “fuck you” anthem you didn’t know you needed, and that still rings just as true today. Another highlight is the track “Burn,” which offers a relentless energy that ignites listeners with its passion. These songs demonstrate Dope’s knack for crafting memorable hooks without sacrificing intensity.

Compared to their earlier albums, Group Therapy marks a progression in both sound and lyrical depth. While Felons and Revolutionaries introduced the world to Dope’s unique blend of industrial and metal, Group Therapy refines and expands upon that foundation. The album feels more cohesive, with each track contributing to a larger narrative of personal and collective catharsis.

All in all, Group Therapy is a satisfying mix of serenity and sanguinity fused with the rage and defiance characteristic of Dope’s earlier offerings—and then some. It’s a more than worthy entry among the top three Dope studio albums.

Join me next in our series as I review an album that has a lot of nostalgia for me. It’s American Apathy. Often overlooked in the conversation, it’s time to shine the spotlight on this album that’s brought us several iconic tracks. Stay right here with us.