For your Flashback Sunday today, I’m going to switch gears a tiny bit if you don’t mind. It feels like I talk a lot about Dope and Static-X in terms of Edsel or Edsel-adjacent projects. I love those subjects, but the man does A LOT of things I want to highlight. Today, we’re going to talk about one of those projects that isn’t talked about nearly enough. Today’s topic is… Drama Club!
To that end, we’re gonna feature this 2015 interview with Andy Biersack while I talk a bit about Drama Club. (It’s queued to start when they show up. Or rather… jump in, in a quite literal sense!) It’s a really fun interview, I think you’ll enjoy this one. Something about the energy makes me smile. Now, let’s talk about the band!
So, what IS Drama Club?

Drama Club is another musical project of Edsel Dope. If you’ve listened to Dope’s latest release Blood Money Part Zer0, you’ve heard Drama Club. The band features most notably on Lovesong and Misery, and the track Believe was initially meant to be for Drama Club, not Dope. Edsel Dope is of course in Drama Club, having revealed himself to be behind the persona of “Zer0”. The band was born of Edsel’s desire to do something different and put out another kind energy into the music industry. While Dope is very aggressive and in your face, Drama Club is a complete 180. Drama Club’s music tends to focus on themes of feeling free and being accepted, when there is a theme at all. (Sometimes dance music has no theme but “let’s party!”, and that’s great too!)
I’ve seen some reviewers get pedantic about Drama Club featuring on Blood Money Part Zer0, with the complaint that Edsel is guesting on his own work. I tend to think this is coming from people who don’t know anything about Drama Club or the kind of music they create. “Oh Edsel is part of the project, it must be exactly the same type of music!” I hate to dust off an old chestnut in response, but “one of these things is not like the other”.
The two projects are an apples and oranges comparison: Drama Club is a completely different band that produces completely different music. Drama Club is EDM/electronic, while Dope is of course metal/hard rock. If you’re looking for some of their music to check out, I have a few song recommendations for you! Try Rockit, Maniac and in keeping with the Flashback, They Don’t Need to Understand. That song was originally done by Andy Biersack (as Andy Black), and he’s also in today’s interview feature.
Looking for more of Drama Club? Of course you are. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram. And of course – sub to them on Youtube with notifications turned on.
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