Category: dope on tour

Dec 15, 2023

Machine Killer Tour 2nd Leg Starts Feb. 1st!

Machine Killer Tour

The second leg of the highly successful Machine Killer North American Tour starts February 1st in Myrtle Beach, SC! Dope joins Static-X and Sevendust on this explosive jaunt across the United States! This is a second shot to see certified rock and metal legends if you’ve not already. Guys, I was at the Atlanta stop and I can attest: this show is WELL worth your time! I had an absolute blast!

VIP packages are still available! I also took part in the VIP Bus Hang add on – if you can swing it, this is an incredible experience. I had the honour and pleasure of meeting Edsel during, and found him to be very sweet and gracious. If you’d like to read my thoughts about the Machine Killer Tour stop in Atlanta, I wrote it up awhile back here on

I could make a slick video or write any number of flowery words to try to convince you to get tix to this show, but talent always speaks for itself. Check out this video I took in Atlanta! Yes, it’s off our Tiktok… don’t you dare judge me.


I dont need a fancy ass video to convince you to go see the Machine Killer Tour when it rolls into your town. I COULD make one, but why?? This electrifying performance speaks for itself. I was at the Atlanta stop and it was incredible! Interested? Check for info and how to purchase! #dope #dopetheband #edseldope #dopearmy #dopeband #music #bloodmoneypartzero #metal #machinekillertour #thetabernacle

♬ original sound –

Looking for tickets? Check out Dope’s official site right here, and for VIP packages, click here.

Oct 13, 2023

Machine Killer Tour: Tabernacle, ATL

On the 10th of October, I was in attendance at the Machine Killer Tour’s stop in Atlanta. My advice? If you have a chance to see this show when it comes to a town near you, *do it.* It was absolutely incredible. I’ll try to give you a bit of a rundown of what went on as best I can.

While I was mostly in attendance to cover Dope, I have to say the entire show has a level of production value and polish that makes every moment a visual and auditory feast. Dope took the stage after Lines of Loyalty (keep reading for my opinions on them). Edsel’s voice sounded fantastic during this set, as though he had barely aged a day since Dope first exploded onto the music scene. I’d go as far to say that his voice sounds basically identical to how it does on Dope records, which is a feat not a lot of vocalists can claim. My only gripe is not even a gripe, really: I just wish the set had been longer! I could have gone for an hour of listening to them. As they were an opening act, their set was short but damn did it kick ass.

I’ve added several videos from the performance to’s Youtube page. Though you might find the opinion of the webmaster of an Edsel Dope fansite a bit biased (Which… fair, enough, I guess?), I think the videos prove that Dope’s still got it. Click here if you’d like to see them! I’ve still got more to upload, so keep checking back! (And while you’re at it, please also sub to Dope’s official YT – you can do so at @dopetheband)

Additionally, I had the absolute honour and pleasure of meeting Edsel as part of the VIP Bus Hang add on. To say this was a dream realized is a massive understatement. He was very sweet and very kind. Just a really genuine and authentic person. I actually walked away from that meeting even more of a fan of his, which I didn’t think was possible! I also got to meet Daniel Fox, who is adorable. He gave each member of the VIP group one of his picks, a bonus I will certainly treasure.

If you can swing it, I recommend taking part in this VIP package if there are any left at the show you’re attending. I don’t use the phrase “best day ever” lightly, but this was probably my best day ever. Compared to a lot of artist meet and greets, this gives you a lot of value for what you spend and the memories are absolutely priceless.

My thoughts on the other acts on the bill:

  • Lines of Loyalty: I had actually never heard of this band before, and only managed to catch the tail end of their set. So my opinion is informed only by the little I saw. From what I was able to check out, they rocked *hard*. Give them a listen on their official YT page @LINESOFLOYALTY.
  • Sevendust: You might think it’s heresy that I was not too familiar with Sevendust in the ATL (that’s Sevendust country!), but their set gained them a new fan: me! Hearing Lajon speak about his deep roots and emotional connection to Atlanta was a powerful moment. The band brought the house down with their slick production values and not a single person was seated or still during the entire set. Mad respect to these guys.
  • Static-X: Though I was indeed there to cover Dope, I have to say I was equally excited to see Static-X. I didn’t indulge in the spoilers or fan vids I knew were floating around about their show, and this was a sound decision in my opinion. Seeing it with fresh eyes without knowing what was going to happen next was thrilling. The tribute to Wayne Static (“Cold”) was made even sweeter by the revelation that Wayne’s mother and sister were in the house that night.

It might seem like this post is just a gushing mountain of praise, and you’d be correct to think that. Because… it is! But it’s well deserved. I’m not the type to blow smoke up someone’s ass and tell them something’s worth it when it isn’t. And this whole experience was 100% worth every bit I spent on it (And I’m talking airfare, hotels and Ubers as well, since I travelled to be there!) In all honesty, if I had the money and resources I would see this lineup twenty more times. If the tour is rolling through or near your town: go. You’ll have a fucking blast.

Oct 12, 2023

Sending love to Andre “Virus” Karkos: Get well soon! sends the utmost love and support to Dope guitarist Andre “Virus” Karkos. Virus was taken ill while on the Machine Killer tour, leaving to receive medical treatment. Virus, we love you and are hoping you make a speedy recovery!

Sep 20, 2023

More Dope tour news!

The highly anticipated Machine Killer tour begins tomorrow! On the eve of what promises to be a tour not to miss, we got news. Big news. The Machine Killer Tour is running through the end of February of next year! That’s right – if you haven’t gotten the chance to see Dope opening for the almighty Static-X and Sevendust, you’ve got another shot to get in on the action! We love to see it. You can find info about the extended dates right here on Dope’s official site.

If this wasn’t your sign to get tickets now, I don’t know what more to tell you. I know I’ve got mine!

Along with this incredible announcement, we were treated to a new tour poster that showcases the additional dates. You can see it below – click the poster for full size!

Dope’s official Facebook also posted a short publicizing the extended dates – click here to view it.

Sep 4, 2023

Flashback Sunday: Dope on Tour!

For your Flashback Sunday, we’re still celebrating the upcoming Machine Killer tour! Today’s blast from the past is not -too- distant, as we look back to the Rise of the Machine tour. We got some killer performances on this tour, along with some amazing photos. Here’s one of my favourites from Dope’s official Facebook:

This is credit to Jesse Edgar Photography (per Dope’s Facebook). Please visit their website to support them!

I have to say, the photographers covering Dope lately have been on point. Insane amount of talent on display. It is always such a delight when we’re treated to new photos of the band, especially ones that are of this high quality.

If you aren’t following Dope on Facebook, why not do so today? And for those who haven’t gotten their tickets for the Machine Killer tour yet, click here to find out more! Judging by how wildly successful the Rise of the Machine tour was, this one’s going to sell out fast. I know I’ve got my tickets – I’ll be at the Atlanta show! If you can’t make it, don’t worry – I’m taking you with me! I’m coming back with photos and videos, so stay tuned.

Aug 13, 2023

Flashback Sunday: Dope on Tour

After some thought, I’ve decided your Flashback Sunday will not be such a far flung blast from the past. Instead, I would like to highlight the upcoming Machine Killer tour – Dope is supporting Static-X and Sevendust on what promises to be a killer North American tour. I’ll see myself out.

The Machine Killer tour is getting closer and closer, and I think that’s reason to celebrate this Sunday. So we’re talking all about the tour and how you can get tickets! (By the way – I’ll be at the Atlanta stop!! You better believe I’m excited!)

Various members of Static-X were quoted saying that they’re bringing new production elements, giving fans something to look forward to from the headliners. From what I’ve seen of their shows on the Rise of the Machine tour… I have to say they were already spectacular, so colour me hyped.

No news as of yet on what we can expect from Dope, but really… when do they NOT bring the house down? As any long term fan can attest, there’s no energy quite like Dope when they take the stage. Guys, these are shows you won’t want to miss. So the only thing left? Buying your tickets!

Tickets are still available, but they’re sure to sell out fast if the Rise of the Machine tour is anything to go by. Score some at Dope’s official site while you still can.

We’re flashing back to Dope’s first short on Youtube promoting the Machine Killer tour. Personally, I’d love for them to post more of these!

Jul 20, 2023

Gallery Updates!

EDF Photo is 300+ photos strong! I set out to make your #1 source for all things Edsel Dope, and honestly I have to say I think we’re crushing it.

Within the next few days, we are going to have the following:

  • A new Flashback Sunday, which will be every other week and highlight something notable or interesting about Edsel (maybe an interview, maybe a pic, who knows?)
  • A Video Spotlight, which I think will also be every other week, highlighting not only Edsel’s work with Dope but any work he’s featured in. (Makeshift Romeo, Drama Club…)

And of course, we’re still looking forward to Dope joining Static-X on the Machine Killer tour later this year! Amazing stuff in the pipeline, for sure.

Jun 12, 2023

New Youtube Short: Machine Killer Tour

I’m just comin’ at you with updates today. Earlier we were greeted with the news that Dope’s joining Static-X and Sevendust on the Machine Killer North American Tour, and now we have a new short on Youtube from Dope’s official account publicizing this tour. (This is actually the first short they’ve posted, hopefully this is the first of many? We’ll see!)

Check out the short here, and to visit Dope’s Youtube page click here. If you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe and ring the bell so that you get ALL post notifications!

Jun 12, 2023

Tour News: A surprise, to be sure…

But a welcome one! The Machine Killer North American tour is coming, and you better believe we are stoked.

Dope is touring with the almighty Static-X once again in the fall, and joining them for this go-round is Sevendust! Not the headlining tour we were expecting, but with this lineup I think it’s going to be pretty fucking rad.

For complete details, check out Dope’s official site.

Jun 11, 2023

Dope tour news on the horizon…?

Dope has announced they have big tour news coming up! Do you want to know what’s up? Of course you do! Sign up for their newsletter on Dope’s official site and you’ll know when it drops!

Personally, I’m hoping for a headlining tour. *crosses fingers*