Apr 13, 2024

Dope tour news, gallery updates, and more!

Hello hello! I’ve gone a bit longer than I prefer without any updates, for that I do apologise. I’ve been working pretty steadily on the site, so I’m always around. Today’s update has Dope tour news, a gallery update and more! So without further ado, let’s hop right into it.

Dope on Tour

  • The THIRD leg of the Machine Killer Tour starts on the 26th of April. This jaunt across North America looks like it’s taking the tour across the PNW, Canada and the Midwest. Are you in or near any of the cities the tour is coming through? I harp on this every single time I bring this tour up it seems, but it really is incredible. I had an awesome time, and I encourage you to get your tickets if they’re playing nearby. I ended up having to travel quite a ways to see this show, but I would do it every single week if that was in any way doable. It’s THAT good.

If you’re interested, click here for info and how to purchase!

Gallery Update: Robbs Metal Works

dope tour


  • I’ve had some requests to find older Dope interviews and media. Alright. Here’s a blast from the past courtesy of Robbs Metal Works. This is an interview from 2005, right when American Apathy came out. This album will always be a bit sentimental for me, because it’s the album that started my passion for Dope. Edsel and Racci are in this one, and I think it’s a great watch. They talk about American Apathy, the music business as a whole, the tour at the time, fan response, and much more. This is a fairly long interview at 19 minutes (we love to see it!), it’s well paced and interviewer Robb Chavez is personable and fun.
  • Speaking of, one of the best parts of our Interview Directory is using EDF’s platform to put the spotlight on the content creators behind them as well! I wasn’t aware of Robbs Metal Works before I saw this interview, and now that I am, I’m actually shocked they don’t have more subs. I love their interview style, they’re really engaging and cool. They’re still active, so if you liked this interview please do check out their other content! You can find them right here.

Misc Site Updates

  • I’ve brought back link buttons, but moved them! If you want to link edseldopefan.org, you can head right here to see our new Website page or just grab the buttons down below. Thank you very much if you’ve linked edseldopefan.org, I really appreciate all the support.

And that’s it. I hope you’ve enjoyed this update. Will you be going to the Machine Killer Tour? If so, I hope you have the best time.

Apr 8, 2024

Stay Connected: Follow Edsel on Social Media

Are you on social media? Edsel is, too! Why not give him a follow? You can stay connected to him and be in the know about his future projects by following him across these platforms. Below are the ways you can connect with Edsel on social media – and also where you can stream his music!

Youtube: @dopetheband (Dope) / @dramaclubtv1 (Drama Club)

  • An awesome way to support Edsel’s music is to sub on Youtube. When you sub, be sure to hit the notification bell and select “All” on your notification preferences. That way you’ll never miss a video! I’ve shown how to do that below. Just hit the button that says “Subscribed” and you’ll be greeted with this drop down menu. Select “All”, and you’ll secure your notification whenever either band uploads to their channel!
    edsel on social media

Instagram: @dopetheband (Dope) / @dramaclubmusic (Drama Club)

Facebook: @dopetheband / @dramaclubmusic (Drama Club)

X: @dopetheband / @dramaclubmusic1 (Drama Club)

Edsel on Social Media: Listen to Edsel’s Music

Additionally, you can also stream Edsel’s music across many different platforms. I do encourage you to buy physical copies of his music if you can, though – you get a lot with it! There’s a lot of cool merch bundles in the Dope shop: they contain not only physical copies of Dope’s music, but stuff like hoodies, guitar picks, that sort of thing. Or if you’d just prefer the album or CD, they have that as well! Definitely worth checking out, if you have a chance.

Dope: Dope’s actually made it super easy to stream their entire catalogue by providing you with this link here. Just choose your preferred music streaming platform and you’re set! They’re on just about every platform, so you have a ton of choice.

Drama Club: Bandcamp, Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube Music

I hope these links were useful! Do you plan to follow Edsel on social media?

Apr 4, 2024

EDF.org Merch Round-up: Static X Reloaded

Let’s get a bit hyped up for the third leg of the Machine Killer Tour, everybody! The third leg of the tour is starting April 26th. Dope, Static-X, Sevendust, this is a dream lineup. Have you gotten your tickets yet? If not, click right here for info and how to purchase! If you’ve gone, I hope you had a blast. I know I did!

In honour of the upcoming third leg of the tour, I thought I would do one more Static-X merch round up just for fun. We don’t normally cover Static-X here, but we do sometimes since they have an Edsel Dope connection. After all, Edsel IS their manager and producer – plus he appears in upcoming Evil Disco movie! Edsel Dope and Static-X, it just makes sense. I’ve also had the suggestion of doing this for their tourmates Sevendust, which is a fun idea as well. I may do that, so stay tuned.

But first, this.

As we always do, we enter each Merch Roundup with a big fat DISCLAIMER: none of these are affiliate links. I am not paid or otherwise compensated for my opinions.

I know I say this every single time, but it’s worth repeating. These are just my opinions as a fan, for fans! Think of me as your online bestie, showing you cool band merch. Now that’s out of the way, let’s jump right in.

dope static x

Ratta Rodriguez Mug

A mug is back in the roundup? Heck yeah! All is right with the world. I believe I featured this in my previous Static-X Merch Roundup, and it’s roaring back mostly to remind me to put this in my cart ASAP! Did you know you can actually get this and any other mug in two different sizes? I didn’t until today. Hey, I might not be swift on the uptake, but I have good taste, at least.

On a side note, you can check out the work of Ratta Rodriguez on his Instagram. He’s the one who made this awesome artwork!

Keep Disco Evil Shirt

Honour the iconic King of Evil Disco, Wayne Static, by showing that you’re doing your part to keep disco evil!

Blue Shock Logo

You guys know me by now. I think nothing really beats the classics. And you can’t go wrong with this classic Static-X logo shirt.

Machine 20th Anniversary Shirt

Show your support for this essential Static-X album with this shirt.

That’s it for today! It was fun to look at some Static-X merch with you. What did you think of my picks? Will you be grabbing any for the Machine Killer Tour?

Mar 31, 2024

Edsel Dope fan (listings) and More: Fanlisting Portal Opens!

As promised, I’ve got something fun for you today. Today marks the grand opening of the edseldopefan.org Fanlisting Portal! You might recall that awhile back I built the Edsel Dope and Dope fanlistings. (Imagine edseldopefan.org not having a place that you can declare that you are an Edsel Dope fan…) At the time, I launched them with a post right here. Well, I knew I was also applying for the Static-X and Wayne Static fanlistings. Ended up getting both, and since then I’ve completed our little fanlisting network. I kept quiet about fanlistings for a bit, in an effort to launch all four together (as I should have done in the first place, really). So now all four are officially launching today! Our fanlistings are connected to The Fanlistings Network, which is a directory for fanlistings.

Fanlistings? What are fanlistings?

What is a fanlisting, you ask? Here’s the description by The Fanlistings Network website: A fanlisting is simply an online listing of fans of a subject, such as a TV show, actor, or musician, that is created by an individual and open for fans from around the world to join. There are no costs, and the only requirements to join a fanlisting are your name and country. Fanlistings do not have to be large sites (although some are) – they are just a place where you can have your name listed along with other fans of the same subject. – The Fanlistings Network

So basically, a fanlisting is just a way for you to support a subject! There’s a big disclaimer about fanlistings that is worth mentioning, however: a fanlisting does not denote official recognition by a subject. No connection to any of the subjects of these fanlistings is claimed or implied. edseldopefan.org’s fanlistings are made by a fan, for fans!

Let’s go over the sites in the edseldopefan.org Fanlisting Portal:

No Regrets: the Edsel Dope fanlisting

edsel dope fan
Well… I mean we ARE Edsel Dope fan for a reason…

Blood Money: the Dope fanlisting

I was very pleased to get this fanlisting. Dope is my favourite band, so having this fanlisting really means a lot to me.

Machine: the Static-X fanlisting

Fan of the almighty Static-X? Why not join their fanlisting?

Keep Disco Evil: the Wayne Static fanlisting

Wayne’s fanlisting also serves as a mini tribute site!

I hope you enjoy our network of fanlistings, and I’d appreciate you joining if you’re a fan!

Mar 29, 2024

edseldopefan.org QOL Update: Mobile version

Hello, back with another quick site update! It’s a small QoL for edseldopefan.org! I was initially going to tack this onto my previous post but decided against it ultimately. I thought this little update deserves its own post! It’s a good one.


Mobile Compatibility: edseldopefan.org will now display as intended for mobile devices. The previous mobile display was not *terrible*, it was just rather plain and lacking the personality that I put into my work. In all honesty, it just wasn’t the experience I wanted our visitors to have. It bothered me greatly, and I wanted to make it right.  I know that a lot of our visitors are coming to us on mobile devices, and I apologise for not correcting this issue earlier. Your experience on the site should now be more cohesive with our desktop version.

EDF Photo: I’ve also corrected how EDF Photo displays on mobile. It’s now more in line with how I would like it to be presented. Again, my apologies for not fixing this sooner.

I hope with these mobile QoL updates, your experience is improved on edseldopefan.org. As I said in my previous post, I’m working on something fun for the site! I do still plan on launching it this weekend, so I’ll definitely be back then to share it with you!


Mar 28, 2024

Small check in

Just checking in with you real quick today to let you know I’m working on a fun project for edseldopefan.org! I’ve been a bit quiet as a result, but I haven’t gone anywhere! I promise. Just been a little busy working on this new addition to the site. I’m hoping to launch it this weekend, and I honestly can’t wait to show you.

I’ll be back with a proper update then, but just wanted to touch base with you to keep you in the loop! I’ll see you this weekend.

xx Cristina

Mar 23, 2024

Edsel Dope in Evil Disco movie – CONFIRMED!

Edsel Dope is confirmed to be in the upcoming Static-X movie “Evil Disco”! The trailer for the film was released today, which is the 25 year anniversary of the band’s iconic classic “Wisconsin Death Trip”. Edsel is shown in the trailer as one of the individuals giving commentary. No surprise there – Edsel has worked with Static-X as their producer and creative director for years.  He’s also been on the record many times stating that Wayne Static was a long time friend.

edsel dope in evil disco movie

My thoughts on the trailer:

I saw the notification on my phone and when I tell you I almost screamed in public… wow. What a huge piece of news for our Saturday!

I’ve seen a few documentaries about Static-X and Wayne in particular (100% of them being on Youtube). They leave me a bit conflicted, I’m not gonna lie. On one hand, I love that people are still interested in telling the story of Static-X. While yes, most people know me for being an eternal Dope hype woman, Static-X is a band that means just as much to me. On the other… I believe much of the reporting on the band (and Wayne) is opinion and not fact. As a fan of Static-X, I’ve always wanted to hear their story in their own words. It seems like we’ll get that, and then some. Very intriguing, that’s for sure.

Along with Edsel, it looks like we’ll also be hearing from Dave Navarro, Dino from Fear Factory, Lajon Witherspoon of Sevendust, and of course Ken, Tony and Koichi from Static-X. This movie looks like it is absolutely packed with superstars.

Would you like to see the trailer? Click here and you’ll be brought right to it. As always, if you aren’t subbed to Static-X already: like, subscribe and hit the notification bell so you never miss a video.

Mar 21, 2024

Happy Birthday, Edsel!

edseldopefan.org wishes Edsel a very happy birthday!

Happy birthday, Edsel! We hope you have a wonderful day! You’re an inspiration to so many, and we’re so grateful you’ve shared your music with us. Thank you for everything. Here’s to you!

With much love and respect,

Your fans.

Mar 20, 2024

Edsel Dope Live! (Edsel Wins #4)

Welcome back to Edsel Wins! This is the series I’ve been using to celebrate everything awesome about Edsel Dope in the leadup to his birthday! Since the big day is tomorrow, this is the last in the series. We really don’t need any excuse to celebrate what’s awesome about Edsel. We’re edseldopefan.org, of course we’re gonna do the most to shore up fan support. But hey, it’s Edsel’s birthday. That’s a good reason to celebrate a bit harder, don’t you agree? Today’s topic is one I think fans are all in agreement with: Edsel is an incredible live performer. I love listening to Dope’s albums, but seeing Edsel Dope live and in person was definitely a bucket list wish for sure. He is amazing! Let’s break it down for you in our Edsel Wins finale.

edsel dope live

The Ultimate Rock Star

In my last Edsel Wins, I noted that I think Edsel is the ultimate rock star. I’ve been to a lot of concerts in my day, but I’ve never seen anyone work the room the way this dude does. Every eye, and everyone’s attention, is on him. Now, you could say “So what, Cristina? A lot of rockers are capable of holding an audience’s attention. That’s not unique to Edsel.” And to a point, you’d be correct. There are indeed a lot of rockers who have the ability to hold people’s attention. Kind of hard to make a career in music if people don’t want to watch you! But I used that phrasing deliberately to tell you this:

There is a difference between being watchable, and being charismatic.
There is a difference between a rocker, and a rock star.

A watchable performer gets your attention because they are occupying a space on a stage. You watch them because they are there. A charismatic performer commands your attention because nothing else in the room is as compelling as they are. As I said, there’s a difference between a rocker and a rock star. There are plenty of watchable rockers, but not too many charismatic rock stars. That’s something you can’t teach, either. You either have “it”, or you don’t. And Edsel has it – that star quality, that “there he is!” sort of allure. There’s plenty of concerts I’ve seen where Edsel puts his skill at working the entire room on full display: one performance stands out to me which I’ll link here.

Dope – Live in Saint Petersburg 2014 (@HighDecibels) Highly recommend this creator – tons of awesome concerts on their channel!

Edsel Dope live is pretty glorious. When you stop and take a look at this performance, you see someone confident, who knows what he’s doing. Who not only entertains, but takes us with him. And we in turn don’t want to take our eyes off him, because nothing else in the room could possibly compare!

Edsel Wins Day Four: Done! That’s a wrap!

This might be our last day for Edsel Wins, but tomorrow is Edsel’s birthday! And you better believe we’re marking this occasion on EDF. We’re here to support and celebrate Edsel all year long, but especially now. Looking forward to seeing you here too!

Mar 19, 2024

Edsel Dope, Style Icon? Hell yes. (Edsel Wins Part 3)

Hello hello, and welcome back to our series Edsel Wins as we celebrate our icon’s birthday month! Edsel Wins is a series where we share all the reasons why Edsel Dope is amazing! You might look at this title and think I’ve gone nuts. Edsel Dope, Style Icon? We all know Edsel as rock royalty, but today I contend that he is indeed a true style icon. No, his style might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you hear his name, but hear me out!

I’ve always said Edsel is the ultimate rock star. You literally could not make someone better than this dude if you tried.  He has the talent, the charisma, and of course, the right look! But… is he a style icon? I think so. What does it actually mean to have iconic style, though? The style app Indyx says the following:

A fashion icon is someone whose style is unique, can be easily recognized, and makes an impact. People with iconic style are so distinctly recognizable that when you see items that they would wear, you think of them.

I bet when you think of Edsel, a certain look comes to mind. Just as you wouldn’t mistake his voice for someone else, his style is also uniquely his. At its heart, its very simple. I’ve always been a fan of having tried and true staple pieces in my wardrobe, and it seems Edsel follows this formula as well! He tends to stick to certain things: black shirts (with or without details or branding), black trousers, minimal accessories. But they are distinctive pieces that are worn in such a way, you automatically associate them with him. From his appearance in Blood Money wearing that black suit, to the dayglo brilliance of Maniac, to Misery’s sleek too cool for you vibes, Edsel has definitely worn his fair share of memorable looks!

That being said, there’s so much that encompasses iconic style. Style is more than what you wear, it’s how you wear it. You could be wearing head to toe Chanel, but if you don’t have the confidence and attitude to pull it off and make it your own, you aren’t wearing the clothes. The clothes are wearing you. It’s not just about having the right look – you need to make an impression! And if there’s one thing you can say about Edsel, he is truly an original. He is utterly unforgettable.

Sounds like a style icon to me!

edsel dope style

Edsel Wins Day 3: Done!

As an Edsel fansite, we love talking about all the aspects that make Edsel fantastic! Seriously, if you don’t love this guy by now, I don’t know what to tell you. Actually, that’s not true. I do know what to tell you. Stick with us, as we celebrate Edsel’s birthday month all March long! And tomorrow, we share our last Edsel win before his big day!