Category: Site Updates

Nov 9, 2023

EDF Photo Updated


Apologies for the delay in updates. I’ve been working on a new layout for, so that’s taken a bit of my time. I don’t have an exact date it will be debuted other than SOON[tm], but it’s shaping up to be gorgeous. I can’t wait for you to see it.

EDF Photo has been updated, with the following galleries added:

  • Debonaire
  • Sick

With these additions, EDF Photo has an incredible 1,090 photos in 22 albums! What’s wild is, we’ve only just begun. I started to give back to a man who truly inspires me, and it’s my sincere hope you enjoy this site as much as I love working on it for you. is the largest and most continuously updated resource for Edsel Dope, and it’s certainly my pleasure to bring only the best to you – his devoted fans! Thank you so much for your visits and kind words, it really means the world.

Sorry for that detour, but it does come from the heart. Thank you.

If you have not already seen the videos for Debonaire and Sick, I think you know what you must do. Click the links above to watch them right on Dope’s official channel. If you aren’t already subbed, why not hit subscribe? It really does help a lot to subscribe and show your support for Edsel and his music! Not only can you watch these and a ton of other Dope videos on their channel, you can check out all their releases as well. Right now, Dope’s sitting at about 121K subscribers, and while that does make them eligible for a Silver creator award… we can do better than that, right? Right. When you sub, be sure to hit the notification bell so you never miss an upload, as seen below:

Oct 13, 2023

Machine Killer Tour: Tabernacle, ATL

On the 10th of October, I was in attendance at the Machine Killer Tour’s stop in Atlanta. My advice? If you have a chance to see this show when it comes to a town near you, *do it.* It was absolutely incredible. I’ll try to give you a bit of a rundown of what went on as best I can.

While I was mostly in attendance to cover Dope, I have to say the entire show has a level of production value and polish that makes every moment a visual and auditory feast. Dope took the stage after Lines of Loyalty (keep reading for my opinions on them). Edsel’s voice sounded fantastic during this set, as though he had barely aged a day since Dope first exploded onto the music scene. I’d go as far to say that his voice sounds basically identical to how it does on Dope records, which is a feat not a lot of vocalists can claim. My only gripe is not even a gripe, really: I just wish the set had been longer! I could have gone for an hour of listening to them. As they were an opening act, their set was short but damn did it kick ass.

I’ve added several videos from the performance to’s Youtube page. Though you might find the opinion of the webmaster of an Edsel Dope fansite a bit biased (Which… fair, enough, I guess?), I think the videos prove that Dope’s still got it. Click here if you’d like to see them! I’ve still got more to upload, so keep checking back! (And while you’re at it, please also sub to Dope’s official YT – you can do so at @dopetheband)

Additionally, I had the absolute honour and pleasure of meeting Edsel as part of the VIP Bus Hang add on. To say this was a dream realized is a massive understatement. He was very sweet and very kind. Just a really genuine and authentic person. I actually walked away from that meeting even more of a fan of his, which I didn’t think was possible! I also got to meet Daniel Fox, who is adorable. He gave each member of the VIP group one of his picks, a bonus I will certainly treasure.

If you can swing it, I recommend taking part in this VIP package if there are any left at the show you’re attending. I don’t use the phrase “best day ever” lightly, but this was probably my best day ever. Compared to a lot of artist meet and greets, this gives you a lot of value for what you spend and the memories are absolutely priceless.

My thoughts on the other acts on the bill:

  • Lines of Loyalty: I had actually never heard of this band before, and only managed to catch the tail end of their set. So my opinion is informed only by the little I saw. From what I was able to check out, they rocked *hard*. Give them a listen on their official YT page @LINESOFLOYALTY.
  • Sevendust: You might think it’s heresy that I was not too familiar with Sevendust in the ATL (that’s Sevendust country!), but their set gained them a new fan: me! Hearing Lajon speak about his deep roots and emotional connection to Atlanta was a powerful moment. The band brought the house down with their slick production values and not a single person was seated or still during the entire set. Mad respect to these guys.
  • Static-X: Though I was indeed there to cover Dope, I have to say I was equally excited to see Static-X. I didn’t indulge in the spoilers or fan vids I knew were floating around about their show, and this was a sound decision in my opinion. Seeing it with fresh eyes without knowing what was going to happen next was thrilling. The tribute to Wayne Static (“Cold”) was made even sweeter by the revelation that Wayne’s mother and sister were in the house that night.

It might seem like this post is just a gushing mountain of praise, and you’d be correct to think that. Because… it is! But it’s well deserved. I’m not the type to blow smoke up someone’s ass and tell them something’s worth it when it isn’t. And this whole experience was 100% worth every bit I spent on it (And I’m talking airfare, hotels and Ubers as well, since I travelled to be there!) In all honesty, if I had the money and resources I would see this lineup twenty more times. If the tour is rolling through or near your town: go. You’ll have a fucking blast.

Jul 20, 2023

Gallery Updates!

EDF Photo is 300+ photos strong! I set out to make your #1 source for all things Edsel Dope, and honestly I have to say I think we’re crushing it.

Within the next few days, we are going to have the following:

  • A new Flashback Sunday, which will be every other week and highlight something notable or interesting about Edsel (maybe an interview, maybe a pic, who knows?)
  • A Video Spotlight, which I think will also be every other week, highlighting not only Edsel’s work with Dope but any work he’s featured in. (Makeshift Romeo, Drama Club…)

And of course, we’re still looking forward to Dope joining Static-X on the Machine Killer tour later this year! Amazing stuff in the pipeline, for sure.

May 28, 2023

New Layout

Back with a new layout – this one I think I will stick with for awhile. (nb4 I design something else in like a week…)

I’ve been working on a few other things for the site – EDF Photo is getting a revamp as well. (Plus some more additions!) There’s a couple of other things in the pipeline too, so stay tuned.

xxx Cristina

May 14, 2023

Site Update: “For You” section opens!

Hey hey! I’ve been a bit quiet but worry not – I’ve steadily been working on the site. As the title says, I’ve opened up the For You section. What’s that, you ask? The For You section has an assortment of Edsel Dope themed goodness for you. (Hence the uh… catchy title.)

From wallpaper to GIFs to Discord icons, there’s a lot of ways to show your support for Edsel. If you’re here, I presume you’re a fan and want to support him. Now you can in style! Here’s just a couple of samples.

As always with my graphics – credit/a link back is appreciated but not necessary. Just don’t redistribute claiming that you made them.

I’ve also been adding more pics and screencaps to EDF Photo, but that will a separate update. Till then.

xxx Cristina

May 9, 2023

New Look

We got a new look at! We liking it? I wanted to make something a bit closer to my actual graphical style, which has resulted in a layout I like much better. I know it’s not really Dope’s aesthetic, but as I always say, “dress for yourself, not to please others”. Plus I think Edsel transcends aesthetics.

I’ve been busy with making a new section to the site, along with loading up EDF Photo. The updates for those are coming soon [tm].

xxx Cristina

May 4, 2023
Cristina – Now Open

When better to open a site dedicated to an icon than on an iconic day? May the 4th be with us, and is officially open! With so few spaces on the net truly dedicated to promoting Edsel Dope, we want to be a complete resource for fans. In that regard, I will always be working to make this site better and better. In the coming days, I will be opening more sections of the site, so stay tuned!

With the opening of, EDF Photo is also now open! As any fan of Edsel knows, it’s a bitch trying to find sites that have everything relating to him all under one roof – photos very much included. We’re starting off strong with 93 photos in the gallery, including screencaps of videos from Dope and other Edsel projects. I screencap everything myself for EDF Photo, if you use them credit is appreciated but not required.

You’ll be seeing me soon,

xxx Cristina

May 3, 2023

EDF Photo // Also coming soon!

Along with the site’s official opening tomorrow (I’m excited!), I will be launching EDF Photo –’s photo archive. As we want to be a complete resource for you here at EDF, we think it’s important to provide you as much media and info as possible on our icon.

Have you taken a photo with Edsel at a show? Would you like your work displayed on Send me a mail to with any donations for the site. Please include the proper means to credit you with any donations you send. There’s a few things I will not accept:

  • Candids (non performance photos Edsel did not know you were taking.) This is basically no different from paparazzi snaps, and we have a policy against those types of photos.
  • Any other images or donations that might violate his privacy.
  • Any images that you do not own the copyright of. (This is fairly easy to verify)

That’s it really! Just simple rules to respect Edsel. Reach out if you would like to donate!


Apr 30, 2023

Official Opening: May 4th

Hello! I am proud to announce the grand opening of Edsel Dope Fan will be … May 4th! What better way to celebrate an icon than opening on an iconic day? The Star Wars nerd in me can’t help but say May the 4th be with us!

Though I’ve had to navigate some unexpected delays, I’m back on track now! (This is why I don’t usually give deadlines.) I think the few extra days are really going to be worth it. I don’t want to open the site fully if I don’t really believe I’m giving the best to Edsel and his fans. The extra time is really going to go a long way with that.

I hope you’re as excited as I am for the launch. I’ll see you then!

xxx Cristina

Apr 1, 2023

Site Update

Hello hello! I’ve given the site a bit of a refresh with a new theme – you like?

The full experience on the site is still being worked on behind the scenes, but everything is going well. I’m not confident on putting an exact ETA on when we’ll be up and open, but I’m shooting for at the latest the end of April.

Thank you for your patience while I work on the site, and as always keep checking back as we’ll still be updating with news as it comes to my attention!