
May 3, 2023

EDF Photo // Also coming soon!

Along with the site’s official opening tomorrow (I’m excited!), I will be launching EDF Photo – edseldopefan.org’s photo archive. As we want to be a complete resource for you here at EDF, we think it’s important to provide you as much media and info as possible on our icon.

Have you taken a photo with Edsel at a show? Would you like your work displayed on EDF.org? Send me a mail to cristinaswg@gmail.com with any donations for the site. Please include the proper means to credit you with any donations you send. There’s a few things I will not accept:

  • Candids (non performance photos Edsel did not know you were taking.) This is basically no different from paparazzi snaps, and we have a policy against those types of photos.
  • Any other images or donations that might violate his privacy.
  • Any images that you do not own the copyright of. (This is fairly easy to verify)

That’s it really! Just simple rules to respect Edsel. Reach out if you would like to donate!
