
Oct 24, 2023

The Essentials: Dope

This article from 2017 where Edsel names the 10 best Dope songs got us thinking here at EDF.org.

A common question we get from new and even long time Dope fans is: what Dope tracks do we consider essential listening? A tough question indeed: Dope’s catalogue of work is huge, has a massive range, and its quality is consistently excellent.

After giving it a lot of thought (this article took a long time to write), I think we’ve finally come up with our selections. EDF.org’s picks are a bit unorthodox, but we think our choices display the very essence of what made us so devoted to Dope in the first place. Obviously we will not be counting cover songs (as they are not original Dope compositions), but there’s enough of them that we’ll definitely do a separate Essentials just for Dope’s covers.

Today, edseldopefan.org brings you The Essentials: Dope. Let’s get right into it.

  • I Am (Album: Group Therapy)
Listen on Youtube (@dopetheband)

I’ve said before that I Am is the fuck you anthem you didn’t know you needed. Where Die MF Die is venomous middle finger to the world, I Am is an ode to staying true to yourself regardless of what people think. It’s a song that’s often slept on, but we believe it personifies Dope’s zero fucks given attitude quite nicely.

A lot of people don’t realize how much range Dope as a band actually has. Darkness yet acceptance, fear yet resolve, My Funeral is a raging tumult. A showcase of both depth of emotion and depth of talent, Dope prove they are far from one note on this track.

  • Blood Money (Album: Blood Money Part 1)
Listen on Youtube (@dopetheband)

When asked to name the song that best exemplifies Dope’s vibe, many point to Die MF Die. We respectfully disagree. Blood Money IS Dope’s vibe, both musically and aesthetically. Not everyone’s going to align with this raw energy, and that’s kind of the point. But for those who “get it”, this song resonates deeply.

  • No Respect (Album: Blood Money Part Zer0)
Listen on Youtube (@dopetheband)

No Respect is one of those songs that grabs you by the neck and shakes you in the best possible way. The track is relentless from start to finish, holding you in its grip and refusing to let go. Unabashed, brutal, and uncompromising, this is essential listening for any Dope fan.

Another song that shows the range Dope possesses as a band. It was hard to choose between this and Easier, but we feel that Sing slightly edges out Easier in showing what Dope is capable of as a band and what Edsel is capable of as a vocalist. In many ways, it seems like Sing walked so that Believe could run years later, as both songs are seen as such stark departures from Dope’s baseline. Real ones know better, though.

And there you have it! We’ve limited our picks to five, but we feel these essentials are the perfect curated list for what we personally love about Dope: the fury, the introspection, the middle finger to the world, the vulnerability, the passion and pain. Personally, I hope Edsel does another one of these lists – with the release of Blood Money Part Zer0, I’d love to hear if any of his picks have changed!

For new fans, we hope our Essentials list gives you a window into the world of Dope. To long term devotees, do our picks align with yours? You’re always welcome to reach out and chat with me using the means here. Until next time!