Thanks for considering contributing media or pictures to We truly appreciate it. Here’s the type of contributions you can make to the site:

  • Photos you’ve taken with Edsel, or photos/video from concert appearances.
    (Candids, or photos he did not know you were taking outside of live shows, are not accepted. We respect Edsel’s right to privacy, and see these types of photos as no better than paparazzi shots.)
  • Any missing media I might not have (scans, interviews, live videos, etc.) Please provide credit whenever possible if it is not media you personally own.
  • If you’ve done an interview with Edsel and want it publicized on the site, that can be arranged as well.

Polite Notice: is strictly non profit, as such we cannot offer monetary compensation for any donation as outlined above. We also do not accept monetary donations for the upkeep and maintenance of the site.

Contact Form Demo (#3)

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